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Get expert insights on Drex and its use cases—stay ahead in the tokenized economy.

Tokenization Use Cases

Explore the practical uses and benefits of tokenization with our comprehensive guide. Learn how converting assets into digital tokens can improve liquidity, accessibility, and efficiency in financial systems. Gain valuable insights on how to use tokenization effectively, helping stakeholders make the most of this technology.

Introduction to Tokenization in Finance

Tokenization represents the process of converting rights to assets into digital tokens on a blockchain, changing the financial industry by enabling secure, efficient, and transparent management of assets. Drex, as part of Brazil's forward-thinking approach to finance, encompasses both a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and a broader ecosystem that supports this digital transformation of the Brazilian financial system. The Drex ecosystem, or platform (up for discussion during the implementation phase), will facilitate the integration of blockchain technology across various financial services, allowing for innovative uses such as asset tokenization. Meanwhile, Drex, as a CBDC focuses on digitizing the Brazilian Currency, the Real, to improve wholesale, and later on the retail payment systems. 

Together, these components of Drex serve distinct yet complementary roles: while the CBDC streamlines and secures transactions, the ecosystem at large empowers financial institutions to explore new business models through tokenization. This distinction underscores Drex's comprehensive impact on modernizing finance, bridging traditional banking with the digital economy's opportunities.

Note: Make sure you read 'Tokenization Explained: Converting Assets into Digital Tokens' to understand how tokenization works.

Tokenizing Financial Instruments

The concept of tokenizing financial instruments represents a significant step in the digital advancement of finance, embodying a forward-thinking approach to managing financial assets. Through tokenization, traditional financial instruments such as bills of exchange, securitization assets, corporate bonds, and equity can be digitized and issued as tokens on a blockchain platform. This digital representation not only ensures a secure and transparent record of ownership but also makes it easier for greater liquidity, broader access, and improved market performance.

Process of Tokenization

The tokenization process is generally the same. However, the process will greatly differ depending on the asset and the use case due to regulations and beyond.

The process of tokenizing financial instruments involves several core key steps:

  • Asset Selection: Identifying the financial instruments suitable for tokenization, considering their market demand, regulatory compliance, and underlying value stability.
  • Due Diligence and Valuation: Performing a thorough assessment of the asset to ensure its legitimacy, followed by an accurate valuation to determine its worth in the digital market. Depending on the asset, this can also be done via smart contracts.
  • Smart Contract Development: Creating smart contracts on the blockchain that will govern the issuance, trading, and lifecycle management of the tokenized assets, ensuring automation and adherence to predefined rules and regulations.
  • Token Issuance: Converting the asset into digital tokens on the blockchain, which represent either a share of the asset or the entire asset itself, making it ready for trading on digital platforms.
  • Distribution and Trading: Offering the tokens to investors through initial offerings and enabling their trade on secondary markets, ensuring liquidity and accessibility.

Advantages of Tokenizing Financial Assets

It is easy to be overwhelmed by the potential benefits of tokenization. We want to make that simple and bring to you the main advantages that address several longstanding challenges in the financial sector.

  • Increased Liquidity: By breaking down large assets into smaller, more affordable tokens, tokenization opens up investment opportunities to a wider audience, enhancing the liquidity of previously illiquid assets.
  • Market Accessibility: Tokenization democratizes access to various financial instruments, allowing small and individual investors to participate in markets previously dominated by institutional investors.
  • Operational Efficiency: Leveraging blockchain technology (via smart contract as an example) automates many of the processes involved in the issuance, trading, and settlement of financial instruments, significantly reducing the time and cost associated with these activities.
  • Enhanced Security: The immutable nature of blockchain ensures that every transaction and ownership record is securely logged, reducing the risk of fraud and unauthorized alterations.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Smart contracts can be programmed to comply with relevant regulations automatically, ensuring that tokenized assets remain within legal frameworks.

Drex's role in Tokenization

The Drex ecosystem and its platform, encompassing both the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and its broader ecosystem, is going to play a large role in facilitating the tokenization of financial instruments within Brazil's financial landscape. As a CBDC, Drex ensures a stable, government-backed digital currency that can serve as a reliable medium of exchange for tokenized assets. Simultaneously, the Drex ecosystem provides a regulated and interoperable infrastructure for issuing, trading, and managing these digital tokens.*

By leveraging Drex, financial institutions can manage the complexities of digital advancement with confidence, knowing they are operating within a secure, efficient, and regulatory-compliant environment. This opens up new avenues for advancement in financial products and services, enabling institutions to remain ahead in an increasingly tokenized economy.

*As the Drex initiative advances, the Central Bank of Brazil will be much clearer on the role of other financial services within Drex ecosystem that provides such infrastructure.

Use Case: Enhancing Asset Liquidity and Access with Tokenized Receivables

One of the many use cases we explore is the tokenization of receivables, which fundamentally alters how traditional assets, like receivables, are perceived and handled in the investment landscape. By converting these assets into digital tokens on a blockchain platform, tokenization can inject high levels of liquidity and accessibility into markets that were previously considered illiquid, hard to access, or even unimaginable.

Consider this scenario: Hamsa's blockchain/DLT solution was adopted by a Brazilian bank to tokenize the receivables of a local manufacturing firm. By converting these receivables into digital tokens, the bank created a tradable asset available on a platform, enhancing liquidity and accessibility. This opportunity allowed the manufacturing firm to access required capital more swiftly than traditional financial avenues would permit. Investors, on the other hand, gained an opportunity to diversify their portfolios by investing in a new type of asset that offers transparency and ease of transaction. The bank, by facilitating this service, reinforced its position as a leader in innovative financial solutions.

This section explores the mechanisms by which tokenization achieves these enhancements and the resultant benefits for investors , banks and asset holders.

How Tokenization Enhances Liquidity

  • Fractional Ownership: Tokenization divides an asset into smaller, more affordable units. This enables a broader range of investors to participate, thereby increasing the asset's liquidity. For receivables, this means that investors can buy tokens representing a portion of the receivable's value, making it easier to sell and buy these interests without requiring the transfer of the entire receivable.
  • 24/7 Market Access: Blockchain platforms operate round the clock, allowing trading of tokenized assets at any time. This constant availability further enhances the liquidity of tokenized assets, as buyers and sellers are not constrained by the traditional trading hours of financial markets.
  • Global Participation: The decentralized nature of blockchain enables global access to tokenized assets, removing geographical barriers and opening the assets to a worldwide pool of investors. This global market presence significantly boosts the liquidity of tokenized assets.

Advantages of Improved Liquidity and Access

  • Increased Investment Appeal: Higher liquidity makes tokenized assets more attractive to investors, as it reduces the risk of being unable to sell the asset. For receivables, this means a potentially higher demand and, consequently, a better valuation.
  • Rapid Settlement: Tokenization accelerates the settlement process, enabling quicker realization of asset value. This rapid turnover can be particularly beneficial for receivables, allowing businesses to enhance their cash flow management.
  • Diversified Investment Portfolios: The ease of access to tokenized assets allows investors to diversify their portfolios more effectively, spreading risk across various asset classes, including traditionally illiquid assets like receivables.
  • Reduced Transaction Costs: The streamlined processes inherent in blockchain transactions lower the costs associated with buying, selling, and managing assets. This cost efficiency makes investment in tokenized assets more economically viable for a broader range of investors.

In this case, what happens to each party involved and how could they benefit from this use case? Below, we will explain how each stakeholder is affected by the tokenization of receivables.

For Financial Institutions

1. Operational Efficiency

  • Reduced Processing Times: By implementing Hamsa's DLT-based solutions, banks can significantly decrease the time needed for processing receivable transactions. This efficiency is achieved through the automation of settlements and verifications, streamlining operations and reducing delays.
  • Lower Operational Costs: By minimizing intermediaries and streamlining transaction processes, institutions can see a decrease in per-transaction costs.

2. Revenue Generation

  • New Product Offerings: Leveraging the tokenization capabilities of Hamsa’s solutions, banks can develop innovative financial products. These new offerings, based on tokenized assets, can attract additional clients and open new revenue streams, enhancing the bank's product line revenues.
  • Market Expansion: The global accessibility of these tokenized assets invites a wider range of investors. This expansion into new markets can significantly boost the bank’s assets under management (AUM), fostering growth and increasing the financial institution's market penetration.

3. Risk Management

  • Improved Liquidity Management: DLT solutions enable the tokenization of receivables, significantly enhancing asset liquidity. This facilitates better risk management and distribution, thereby reducing liquidity risk premiums. Enhanced liquidity allows institutions to handle financial obligations more effectively, mitigating liquidity constraints.
  • Transparent Asset Tracking: The use of blockchain technology provides advanced tracking and auditing capabilities. Each transaction is permanently logged on a decentralized ledger, ensuring transparency and traceability. This reduces the risks of fraud and errors, bolstering the reliability of financial reporting and aiding compliance with regulatory standards.
For Asset Holders (Manufacturing Company)

1. Financial Management

  • Access to Capital: Tokenization of receivables via DLT allows manufacturing firms to quickly convert their invoices into liquid assets. This facilitates more timely access to working capital, which is crucial for maintaining smooth operations and pursuing growth opportunities.
  • Improved Cash Flow: With the accelerated conversion of receivables into cash, firms can better manage their cash flow. This reduces the dependency on external financing and helps maintain a more stable financial standing.

2. Cost Efficiency

  • Reduction in Financing Costs: By utilizing tokenized receivables as an alternative to traditional credit lines and loans, which typically come with higher interest rates, manufacturing firms can achieve significant savings on interest and financing fees.

3. Market Competitiveness

  • Enhanced Business Agility: Faster access to funds enables firms to respond more swiftly to market demands and investment opportunities, providing a competitive advantage in dynamic markets.
  • Strengthened Supplier Relationships: Improved liquidity ensures that payments to suppliers are managed more effectively. Timely payments can lead to stronger business relationships and might allow firms to negotiate better terms due to reliable payment histories.

4. Security & Compliance

  • Enhanced Security: The secure framework of blockchain ensures that all transactions related to tokenized receivables are protected against tampering and fraud, increasing the trust of all parties involved.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The transparency and traceability provided by DLT help firms comply with strict regulatory requirements related to financial transactions and reporting, reducing compliance risks.
For Investors

1. Diversification Opportunities

  • Access to New Asset Classes: Tokenization of receivables using DLT solutions provides investors with access to a previously untapped asset class. This diversification opportunity allows investors to spread risk across different types of assets, reducing overall portfolio risk.
  • Fractional Ownership: DLT enables fractional ownership of tokenized receivables, allowing investors to invest in small increments. This lowers the barrier to entry, enabling a broader range of investors to participate in these investments.

2. Market Accessibility

  • Global Market Access: Blockchain-based platforms offer investors the ability to trade tokenized assets globally, without the limitations of traditional market hours or geographical boundaries. This expanded market access increases liquidity and provides opportunities for enhanced returns.
  • Option for 24/7 Trading: DLT platforms can operate around the clock, enabling investors to buy and sell tokenized receivables at any time. This real-time trading capability allows investors to react swiftly to market changes and capitalize on investment opportunities.

3. Liquidity & Flexibility:

  • Enhanced Asset Liquidity: Tokenization of receivables increases asset liquidity by enabling investors to buy and sell fractions of receivables quickly and easily. This liquidity enhances portfolio flexibility and allows investors to adjust their positions more efficiently.
  • Reduced Investment Lock-In: The liquidity provided by tokenized assets reduces the investment lock-in period typically associated with traditional illiquid assets, providing investors with more flexibility in managing their portfolios.

Use Case: Raising Capital Through Tokenization

One scenario where we see a lot of interest is in the Raising of Capital. Due to the streamlined nature of tokenization, efficiencies and new business models can emerge in Capital Markets. Here’s a breakdown of how we expect this to unfold and what will be the benefits:

The Process

1. Strategy and Compliance Planning:

  • Financial institutions begin with a strategic assessment of their capital needs and how tokenized securities can meet those needs.
  • Legal and compliance teams evaluate regulatory requirements for issuing tokenized securities within the Drex ecosystem, ensuring alignment with both national regulations and international standards.

2. Token Design and Creation:

  • Institutions design the token's structure, including its type (equity, debt, or hybrid), rights attached (voting rights, dividend rights), and the total amount to be issued.
  • Utilizing Drex's blockchain platform, these securities are then tokenized, with each token representing a share or bond, digitized and ready for distribution.

3. Smart Contract Development:

  • Smart contracts are programmed to govern the terms of the tokenized securities, including dividends, voting rights, and redemption processes. These automated contracts ensure regulatory compliance and enforce the token's legal and financial obligations without manual intervention.

4. Token Distribution Strategy:

  • A comprehensive distribution plan is developed, targeting both retail and institutional investors. This includes deciding on the distribution channels, such as third-party exchanges, and the marketing strategy to attract investors.

5. Investor Onboarding and KYC/AML Compliance:

  • Investors undergo a Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) process, ensuring that the token sale meets regulatory standards and that investor identities are verified.

6. Token Issuance and Distribution:

  • Once compliance checks are completed, tokens are issued to investors, who can then trade these tokens on Drex's platform or other secondary markets, providing liquidity and accessibility.

7. Post-Issuance Management:

  • Financial institutions monitor the performance of tokenized securities, manage investor relations, and ensure ongoing compliance with regulatory changes.
  • Smart contracts facilitate automated operations like dividend distributions and voting, reducing administrative burdens.

8. Secondary Market Support:

  • Supporting the trading of tokenized securities on secondary markets enhances liquidity, allowing investors to buy and sell tokens easily, which is beneficial for both the issuer and the investors.

8. Secondary Market Support:

  • Leveraging blockchain's inherent transparency, institutions provide real-time reporting and disclosures to investors and regulators, enhancing trust and credibility.


  • Global Reach: Access a global pool of investors, expanding market presence and investment opportunities.
  • Efficiency and Cost-Reduction: The Drex ecosystem will simplify the structuring process from issuance to settlement, dramatically reducing time and operational costs. Leveraging smart contracts and blockchain automation, financial institutions can minimize expenses related to structuring, monitoring and tracking of ownership, streamlining administrative operations.
  • Liquidity: Tokenized assets traded on authorized secondary markets within the Drex ecosystem provide immediate liquidity options, making investments more appealing by enabling dynamic pricing and real-time market sentiment reflection. This ease of trading and broader investor access significantly enhance asset liquidity. Depending on the emerging policies and regulations to accommodate the tokenized economy needs.
  • Transparency and Security: Blockchain technology ensures secure, immutable, and verifiable transactions, reducing fraud and errors and building investor trust. The secure and transparent nature of tokenized transactions, backed by the Drex ecosystem's advanced security measures, encourages greater investor participation.

Strategic Opportunities

  • New Funding Avenues: Open up innovative funding routes, such as crowd-sourced capital, without the complexity of traditional securities offerings.
  • Competitive Edge: Early adoption of Drex's tokenization capabilities positions institutions ahead of the curve, offering cutting-edge investment products.
  • Reduced Time to Market: By cutting out many of the traditional intermediaries involved in securities offerings, tokenization can significantly speed up the structuring process.
  • Automated Compliance: Smart contracts on the Drex platform automate compliance and governance tasks by executing pre-defined rules coded into their software. This automation reduces human error and ensures transactions adhere to regulatory standards in real-time, without manual intervention. By providing transparent, immutable records of all actions, smart contracts offer a robust audit trail for easy verification, allowing financial institutions to adapt swiftly to regulatory changes and maintain ongoing adherence to legal requirements.
  • Democratized Investment Access: Tokenization allows for the fractionalization of assets, making it possible for smaller investors to participate in investment opportunities previously out of reach, thus broadening the investor base.
  • Real-time Trading: Tokenized securities can be traded on secondary markets around the clock, offering real-time liquidity to investors and a more dynamic investment environment.

Note: As Drex continues to evolve, regulators will provide guidelines that offer clarity for stakeholders within the Drex ecosystem.

Example: Tokenized Bond from a Green Energy Project

Consider a medium-sized bank looking to raise funds for a new green energy project. By tokenizing the project's bonds within the Drex ecosystem, the bank can:

  • Offer bonds directly to a wide range of investors, including smaller retail investors interested in green energy.
  • Automate interest payments and principal repayment through smart contracts, ensuring timely and accurate transactions.
  • Benefit from real-time trading of bonds on secondary markets, providing investors with liquidity and the bank with ongoing market feedback.
The Process: Green Energy Project

Strategy and Compliance Planning

  • The bank assesses its capital needs and identifies tokenized bonds as a financing solution.
  • Compliance teams ensure the token issuance aligns with Drex ecosystem regulations and international standards.

Token Design and Creation

  • The bank structures the tokenized bonds with clear terms, including interest rates and maturity dates.
  • Bonds are tokenized on the Drex platform, with each token representing a digital bond.

Smart Contract Development

  • Smart contracts automate the distribution of interest payments and enforce bond terms.
  • These contracts guarantee compliance with the predefined rules, minimizing manual oversight.

Investor Onboarding and Distribution

  • The bank targets investors interested in green technology, ensuring a broad and diverse investor base.
  • Drex's platform facilitates efficient KYC/AML checks, streamlining investor onboarding.

Token Issuance and Trading

  • Tokens are issued to investors, allowing immediate trading on Drex-enabled secondary markets.
  • This trading capability provides liquidity, enabling investors to buy or sell bonds as needed.

Post-Issuance Management

  • The bank uses the Drex platform for transparent management and reporting of bond performance.
  • Automated dividend distribution through smart contracts reduces administrative tasks.

Wrapping up: There are countless use cases for tokenization. It is important for the Financial institution to evaluate its needs.


After finishing this guide, we hope that you have gotten a better understanding of how tokenization can change your financial institution. To help you even further, we created a guide on how to build a business case for any blockchain-based solution for your financial organization. You can visit it here: ‘How to Build a Business Case for Drex’.

If you have a direction, a vision, or even a question about tokenization, Drex or even Hamsa’s solutioHope to hear from you soon.

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Get expert insights on Drex and its use cases—stay ahead in the tokenized economy.